Category : Talent Management
Author works at the Corporate Communication department of Corporate Office, IOCL
ग़म और ख़ुशी में फ़र्क़ न महसूस हो जहाँ,
मैं दिल को उस मक़ाम पे लाता चला गया
साहिर लुधियानवी
Beautiful prose by world-renowned Ludhyanvi ji! When he penned this thought way back in the 1960s, he would have never thought, much later in the 21st century, this would become the mantra of Corporations for fuelling global economies. HR practitioners across corporate corridors are strategizing to create balanced workplaces for their workforce who feel engaged and aligned with the company’s goals. Today, companies are spending billions to enhance employee productivity and adopting strategic engagement frameworks to ensure their human capital is at its best. As you tune in to the numerous benchmarks and practices around the industries, the key principles for having a productive employee are outlined as under:
Companies aim to maximize employee satisfaction and productivity by creating an environment that prioritizes well-being, growth, and inclusion.
In a world so dominant with digitalization, social media, machine learning and AI, the future of workforce engagement has become more complicated. There is what I call, the ‘information detonate’, a condition where we have a humongous amount of information which is extremely difficult to absorb and translate into repurposed outcomes. Out of the 5.44 billion internet users in the world, the average time spent by people on social media (only) has increased from 90 minutes in 2012 to 143 minutes in 2024. Human-to-human engagement is declining at a rapid pace. With alternatives just a touch away, it’s likely that employees also seek communication and transactions digitally rather than in person. The COVID-19 pandemic was another factor in alienating human beings and digressing them towards loneliness and individualism.
With so much disparity in the social fabric of human existence, how can companies expect today that they will get the same level of engagement and productivity from their employees deploying persistent HR mechanisms? While the basic elements do hold true, bringing in the happiness element through playfulness and humour may glue the quintessential.
The future is uncertain; however, the need of the hour is clear. Engaging employees by raising their happiness index is the way forward. Lightening up the atmosphere can lead to a more productive and enjoyable environment. Being too serious can stifle creativity, reduce morale, and increase stress in the long term.
A fun workplace has its own set of additional benefits for the corporation as depicted by the Smart Art below:
Embedding humour and fun in company culture can enhance workplace morale, improve communication, and increase productivity. Enlisting herewith are some key strategies for incorporating the fun element at workplaces
Nonetheless, the bottom line is, as a society, we need happy human beings because their well-being has a profound ripple effect, enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals and communities. They are crucial in building strong and peaceful communities, economic growth, civic engagement, and generational impact. Collectively, happiness promotes stability, cooperation, and progress, making societies more harmonious, prosperous, and sustainable.
Companies need happy employees because they are more productive, engaged, and loyal, which directly impacts the success of the business.
Investing in employee well-being translates to better business outcomes, from profitability to brand reputation.
Let’s fuel playfulness and fun in life and workplaces for uplifting happy beings and in turn nurturing a happy planet.
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