Rashmi Kanyal, IOCL


PSUs are built with a unique culture. We believe in building lifelong relationships with our employees. There is no ‘hire and fire ‘concept as it happens in various MNCs & private companies and hence our attrition rate is very very less. So we need to develop and nuture our people, grow our talent and keep them engaged and motivated.

What should a manager /leader do for the growth of the organisation?  Manage, Manage and Manage is the keyword. 3M is the solution –

  1. Manage people,
  2. Manage time  and
  3. Manage situations

Talent is one of the main resources needed for building a great organisation on a continuous basis. To run any organisation effectively we need resources be it – technology, captial, information, innovations and people. Only People are instrumental in developing, managing and handling the other resources – so we need to have the right talent at the right place.

In order to meet our goals and thrive in this VUCA world where situations have become more dynamic, we need collaborative mindsets, need to identify the right potential, get them at the right place and bring out their strengths and create not only better organisations but also a better society.

What are the characteristics of the right talent?-  To me, the right talent is a person who has the right mindset, the right attitude for carrying out a particular job and has the capability to collaborate with other people. After all, we are working in and working for the organisation so team spirit is also very important. Skills and knowledge can be acquired with training but having the right attitude is the inherent competency of a person which is difficult to change so when we hire or recruit talent, we should see whether the person has the right attitude and are his/her individual goals in line with the organisational culture. It is easier to teach a skill but difficult to teach work ethics. If the leader works hard to hire, develop and retain the best talent, the organisation will have a competitive advantage.

Companies may not feel the pain today but in five or ten years down the line as people retire or move on, where will the next generation of leaders come from? The dry pipeline is a very crucial concern. How should we confront these challenges?

Today young generation people especially the Millennials and Gen Z have different ambitions and altogether different thought processes. We need to channelize their energies in the right direction, listen to their thoughts and provide them with the right directions so that we have the right talent at the right place.

Team Development: To map our priorities, managers need to take a look at the people around in the organiations, observe them and question  – how can I make him/her the rising star to take a bigger role – bigger challenge? What trainings will they need to do so? Am I giving them the right and constructive feedback? Development of people is critical and we have to help all our people achieve their full potential through proper feedbacks, mentoring them and have a discussion on the future business, make them understand their critical role in order to high performing culture in the company and it will help our company leaps and bounds ahead of others.

Self-Development: The manager should question himself/herself – am I creating any value for myself? Am I utilising my time judiciously? Am I the part of Change I want to see? Am I updating and skilling myself? Am I aware of the changes happening around me? Can I do the work differently?

Once we start thinking, the process will have a ripple effect every day and make us more informative, self-aware high potential people not only for the growth of organisation but for the better of society, country and betterment of Humanity.

“ Prove Yourself to Yourself not Others ”

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