Mousom Some, IOCL
Mr. Mousom Some is working as DGM(Production) at Paradip Refinery

Green Human Resource Management (Green HRM) is the commitment of the organization towards saving the natural resources and establishing the sustainable work culture. Green HRM practices are policy framework underscored by HR dedicated towards protecting the environment. Prioritizing Sustainability is the best for People, Planet and Profit in long term. Latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report warned that global warming is accelerating

much faster than estimation. Hence, there is a sense of urgency to act towards Sustainability. That’s why the World is mobilising towards Global Net Zero Emission by 2050. But the world leaders are struggling to balance two major KPI of nation, Economic Growth and Net Zero Emission. We have Environment (caring for the environment and community) at the core of our Vision. As a responsible organization, we need to place sustainability at the core of corporation’s strategy also. Action towards Embedded sustainability always give positive impact on performance. 

By integrating sustainability in the business process, organization can be innovative, profitable, win respect from customers and build the pride among its employees. This will make the employees more engaged and more aligned.

Sustainability and Innovation

3M developed fire suppression fluids i.e. Novec which is the first viable, sustainable alternative to polluting clean agent (hydrofluorocarbons and halons). This is how 3M integrated sustainability with Innovation through process modification and product reformulation.

Nike also integrated sustainability into its innovation process by creating Flyknit line. This uses a specialized yarn system that requires

  • Minimum labour

  • Reduces waste by 80%

  • Generating large profit margins.

This is how Nike integrated Sustainability and Innovation.

Sustainability and Profitability

Sometimes we have perception that we can’t handle two balls Sustainability and Profitability both at the same time. But there is an ample example of not holding this anymore. As per published information, Dow invested nearly $2 billion (Since 1994) in improving resource efficiency and saved $9.8 billion from reduced energy and wastewater consumption in manufacturing.  In 2013, GE reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 32% and water use by 45% compared to 2004 and 2006 baselines, respectively, resulting in $300 million in savings.

Implementation of Green HRM Practices

Therefore, there are multiple benefit of adopting sustainability practices and implementing the Green HRM principles.

  1. In the United Kingdom, Coca-Cola has teamed up with Merlin Entertainments to provide “reverse vending machines” where customers can get half-price theme park admission by recycling their plastic drink bottles.

We can transform our organization as a paperless organization by implementing the digital technology in greater way and providing incentives. Paperless policy framework in the organization would provide lot of saving of GHG (Green House Gas) in the environment. For the office use, we use lot of paper, prints, files which can be scraped by effective implementation Paperless policy framework. This may be incentivised by providing tab with all company related apps, intranet etc. to the employees. 1 kg of paper results in approximately

1kg of CO2 during its production (1.2kg of CO2 for unrecycled, and 0.7kg of CO2 for recycled paper). Therefore the following steps would be of great path forward towards sustainability

    1. Reduction of Paper budget by 90%

    2. Reduction of Office Printer by 90%

    3. All documents should be in soft form.

    4. Investment in cloud storage, tabs instead of physical document library and printer.

    5. No booklets for training, internal magazines etc.

    6. All official transaction should be though app based software.

  1. People who adopt sustainable behaviour are more likely to make other beneficial adjustments. IKEA started its sustainability journey called Live Lagom (means Live with Right Quantity) in depth among a core group of its consumers. In line with this, IKEA customers started with a single action, such as minimising home food waste, but then go on to other domains, such as energy conservation. IKEA also saw a snowball effect, in which people began with little activities and progressed to larger ones. Purchasing LED light bulbs, for example, might lead to wearing warmer clothes and turning down the thermostat, insulating doors and windows to reduce heat loss, purchasing energy-efficient appliances, installing a programmed thermostat, and so on.

The initiative of saving transport fuel can be one of the biggest green initiatives of the organization. This will not only save the environment but also save the pie of country’s import bill. If transport communication of the employees with the office are converted from individual to group or collaborative level, significant amount of Carbon Dioxide (Around 0.1 MMTPA Co2) release at ambience can be saved. Using of group transportation in bus would save around 90% of the Green House Gas (GHG) emission compared to individual car transportation.

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