

Author is currently working as senior production engineer in IOCL Gujarat Refinery and has a work experience of over twenty years at Panipat Refinery IOCL. Author is also a trained counselor

In modern rushed life, everyone is saying they are stressed. But they should be aware of the beautiful reality behind the stress and how stress has an important role to play for ups-and-downs and growth in our life. This article is going to explain the basics of stress, type of stress i.e., Eustress, and Distress. Where and how it initiates and grows, for instance, benefits of eustress, bad effect of distress, physical health issues due to the distress, and management of distress.

To do any activity, human beings need to strain to some extent physically and mentally. That time the body becomes alert and triggers the stress chemical to prepare the body to do action through increased blood circulation which in-turn makes the muscles get ready to do so. However it has a threshold limit, if the strain is within the limit, there is no issue. But beyond that limit, depending on intensity of the stress, like on how much time the body is in the same condition and how much time it takes to revert back to normal condition may impact on mental and physical health.

Everyone from childhood to old age is making some efforts to manage the situation and to move forward in life. It certainly brings some changes to mental and physical health. If every time we are doing the same activity or slowly increase the intensity with time within the limit or activity with proper rehearsal, then there is no issue. But putting efforts out of the threshold limit without practice may create problems not only physically, but mentally also. As mentioned above, every effort needs the strain or stress, however based on the cause and effect, becomes eustress or distress. In simple terms, eustress (good stress) is the stress which is developed by the effort to meet our fulfillment of high-level satisfaction and growth. In eustress, the chemical is properly used and is completely diluted. Distress (bad stress) is the stress which is developed by the effort that does not give the satisfaction, success, or favorable changes in life. In both of the above mentioned stresses, the stress chemical is same. The body’s stress response system is usually self-regulated. The stressful situation gets normal when a perceived threat has passed and in-turn hormones (stress chemical adrenaline and cortisol) return to their respective typical levels. As adrenaline and cortisol levels drop, your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal levels. Other systems go back to their regular activities as well.

When stressors (factors of stress) are being continuous, then we always feel the pressure. The stress response fight-or-flight reaction stays turned-on continuously. The long-term activation of the stress response system and too much exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones can disturb all the body’s processes. This puts you at higher risk of many health problems, including psychological, psychosomatic disorders. Scientists are not sure about the causes of psychosomatic symptoms. Some believe that stress releases hormones and chemicals in the body that cause damage or dysfunction. There are many different types of stressors that can lead to stress. These include unexpected changes such as loss in health, relationships, work, family, friendships, lifestyle, and financial resources which are often involved in these changes. High levels of stress or chronic stress can lead to anxiety and depression. Ongoing anxiety and depression are huge stressors.

Benefits of eustress

Eustress supports (pushes) us to do a new activity, hobby, learn new skills, and even step-up outside our comfort zone. It makes us feel good when we work toward our goals, go through positive (notable) life changes, and helps us to kick-start a new chapter in our lives. Proactiveness, productivity, creativity, adventures, control, motivation, resilience, coping with stressful situations, good focus, and concentration are some of the profound benefits of eustress.

Bad effects of distress
Studies have found many health problems are related to distress. Distress seems to worsen or increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma. “Stress causes higher levels of the hormone cortisol,” says Winner, “and that seems to increase the amount of fat that’s deposited in the abdomen.”
Stress isn’t only a feeling. “Stress isn’t just in your head,” Winner says. It’s a built-in physiologic response to a threat. When you’re stressed, your body responds and your blood vessels constrict, your blood pressure, your pulse rise. Also you tend to breathe faster and your bloodstream is flooded with hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. “When you’re chronically stressed, those physiologic changes, over time, can lead to health problems,” Winner tells Web MD.

The following stress management technique is very helpful in a distress condition

Breathe deeply
Just a few minutes of deep breathing can calm you and bring down to control the physiologic stress response, Winner says. While building in a specific time to relax each day is a good idea, one advantage to deep breathing for stress relief is that you can do it anywhere — at your desk or in your (parked) car, for instance. Winner recommends that as you breathe out, you relax a specific muscle group. Start with the muscles in your jaw. On the next breath out, relax your shoulders. Move through the different areas of your body until you’re feeling calm.

Focus on the moment
When you’re stressed, you’re probably living in the future or the past. You’re worried about what to do next or are in regret about something you’ve already done. To get some stress relief, instead try focusing on what you’re doing right now. “You can calm yourself by bringing yourself back to the present moment,” says Winner. “If you’re walking, feel the sensation of your legs moving. If you’re eating, focus on the taste and the sensation of the food.”

Reframe the situation.
So you’re already running late and then find yourself stuck in terrible traffic. Getting worked up is a natural reaction, but it won’t help you at all. Rather than swearing and pounding the steering wheel, get a different perspective. Look at that time as an opportunity — a few minutes to yourself where you don’t have any other obligations. Keep your problems in perspective. It might seem Pollyannaish (optimistic), but the next time you’re feeling stressed out, think about the things for which you’re grateful. “We get stressed when we focus so much on a specific problem that we lose perspective,” says Winner. “You need to remind yourself of the basic ways in which you’re lucky — that you have family and friends that you can see, that you can walk.” It can be a surprisingly effective method for stress
While these stress management techniques can help in the moment, you can also make a few larger changes to your way of life. Regular exercise is key to long-term stress management, says Winner. People who exercise tend to have better moods and more energy than people who don’t. What’s more, regular exercise will independently lower your risks for many health problems.

Relaxation techniques

Learning some relaxation techniques, like JPMR (Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique) meditation, or yoga will help with stress management too. Getting good at any of these approaches will take a little time and practice, but the payoff — for your short-term mood and long-term health — could be substantial.
Be realistic about what you can and can’t control. Exercising regularly, listening to music is helpful to cope up with stress.
In a 2013 study, participants took part in one of three conditions before being exposed to a stressor and then taking a psychosocial stress test. Some participants listened to relaxing music, others listened to the sound of rippling water, and the rest received no auditory stimulation. The results suggested that listening to music had an impact on the human stress response, particularly the autonomic nervous system. Those who had listened to music tended to recover more quickly following a stressor.

Sometimes psychological stresses adversely affect physiological (somatic) functioning to the point of distress. It is a condition of dysfunction or structural damage in bodily organs through inappropriate activation of the involuntary nervous system and the glands of internal secretion. This is called Psychophysiological also called as psychosomatic disorder.
Several treatments can help to the people with somatic pain symptoms, including:
Cognitive behavioral therapy.
Mindfulness-based therapy.
Medications, such as antidepressants.
Referral to a specialist in mental health (for example, a psychiatrist or psychologist).
Regular contact with your primary care provider.GP

Overall summary of this article is stress created beyond the limit becomes distress that may lead to psychological and psychosomatic disorder. The threshold limit in stress depends on the individuals’ stamina in physical and mental conditions and how the person (the person should) practice (rehearsed) by oneself to face the critical situation, how (learn) to change the distress to eustress by positive thinking, how (learn) to manage the issue. By practicing to be calm, developing good listening skills, systematic planning, and mindfulness-based activities are the best methods to avoid distress.


  • Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Medically Reviewed by Joseph Goldberg, MD on April 01, 2014, Written by R. Morgan Griffin in WebMD
  • Psychosomatic disorder from Cleveland Clinic
  • Chronic stress puts your health at risk by healthy lifestyle by mayo clinic
  • How Listening to Music Can Have Psychological Benefits in verywell mind by Kendra Cherry, MSEd
  • Take the Stress out of Your Life – Jay Winner in mind tools. https://www.mindtools.com/avprqp7/take-the-stress-out-of-your-life
  • Memorialcare.org, https://www.memorialcare.org/blog/winning-over-stress Good mental health supports physical health and wealth.

Posted in Health & Wellbeing | 1 Comment »

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  • pradeep soni says:

    Your work is so good. I like Your article. your writing is so clear. I liked it .Nice information has been shared about Eustress and distress, I appreciate your work .

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