Students Corner

Redefining the hiring recipe: Recruiting candidates beyond the resume!

Redefining the hiring recipe: Recruiting candidates beyond the resume!

Navneeth Venkateshwaran

The conventional resume is no longer sufficient to find the appropriate candidate in today’s fast-paced and competitive employment market. Employers are seeing…

  November 26, 2023     3 min read
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Recruiter’s Dilemma: Getting hold of the pain-points in prevailing strategy is the key to restructure the hiring recipe

Recruiter’s Dilemma: Getting hold of the pain-points in prevailing strategy is the key to restructure the hiring recipe

B Mithlesh

The labour market in the context of the knowledge economy is never never-ending crisis. The constantly changing market requires constant innovation from…

  November 26, 2023     5 min read
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It Is Team Work That Matters!

It Is Team Work That Matters!

Swetha Rathod

When you see geese flying along in a “V” formation, you might consider what science has discovered as to why they fly…

  July 14, 2023     1 min read
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Dispelling the fear of failure: Nurturing innovation & experimentation

Dispelling the fear of failure: Nurturing innovation & experimentation

Atharva Ramteke

“Don’t let your mistakes make you feel demotivated; instead, use them as lessons and try again”. With this motivating and inspiring thought…

  March 28, 2023     4 min read
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Smart Failures: Why Embracing Failure is Key to Experimentation and Innovation

Smart Failures: Why Embracing Failure is Key to Experimentation and Innovation

Shikhar Bansal

The Indian government is aware of how crucial experimentation and innovation are to building a knowledge-based economy. Unleashing potential, one of the…

  March 28, 2023     4 min read
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Culture driven by core values

Culture driven by core values

Shivali Choudhary

What drives a company forward? What distinguishes the company from similar ones in the field and what makes it unique? We could…

  September 8, 2022     5 min read
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