MOSAIC: Unique endeavor of ONGC to stimulate the best out of PwD employees

1st ONGC Para Games

  • Kicked-off on 19 December 2017
  • Participated by 120 PwD Employees – 100 men and 20 women from 16 work centers across the country


Since its inception, throughout its six-decades-long journey of exploration and production of oil gas, ONGC has been a vocal advocate of embracing a diverse work environment. People, regardless of gender, region or disabilities, can blend and deliver their best to secure the nation’s energy needs. While several ONGC initiatives and policy reforms have been structured to embrace gender mix and equality in the operations of the energy major, the Energy Maharatna has also been supporting initiatives that seek to eliminate disparities of all forms against the physically challenged by not only creating opportunities for livelihood but also instilling confidence for growth at par with everyone in the society.

Hence, to provide equal opportunities to PWDs, not only in employment but also in overall development of the Human Resources of the company, ONGC conceptualized annual sporting events to inspire, motivate and keep Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) engaged. ONGC became the first PSU to introduce the Para Games series of field games for specially-abled employees across all PSUs in December 2017. The unique HR initiative, organized only by ONGC, for the specially-abled has evoked huge enthusiasm among PwD employees through the years. The philosophy behind conducting the Para Games is to provide similar sporting avenues to specially-abled employees that the regular employees can avail.

Para Games MOSAIC 2020

Objective: Providing equal opportunities to PWDs, not only in Employment but also in overall development of the Human Resources of the company

In 2020, the nation got struck by the unprecedented havoc of the pandemic, disrupting normalcy across all sectors of business and life. Organizing the Para Games at that juncture became challenging. However, the undeterred Team HR of the National Oil Company came up with another unique initiative to replace the Para Games and keep the spirit of the PwD employees high. While working remotely became the new normal amidst the pandemic restrictions, ONGC introduced MOSAIC 2020 to keep its employees engaged through virtual platform. MOSAIC 2020 is a series of online games for PwD employees from ONGC and ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), which included engaging activities like quiz competition, extempore contest, poetry recitation contest, debate competition, poster-making competition (Digital Canvas) and Regard before you Discard (Best out of Raw Material).


Flag-off: 23 November 2020

Total PwD employees in ONGC 424

Participants in MOSAIC 2020 – 246

Among the total 424 PwD employees of ONGC, MOSAIC 2020 witnessed the participation of 246 employees across the events with 158 unique participants having registered in all events. Security Officer R Kartikeyan Iyer, with orthopedic disability, pictured MOSAIC as an online festival amidst the gloomy days of the pandemic”. DGM (HR) Satyendra Kumar Sangwan, also with orthopedic disability, sketched the online games as one of the greatest way to get connected with the organization and colleagues; Captain Sangwan is a Kargil war hero as well.

In the midst of all odds and restrictions, ONGC energy soldiers continued displaying utmost commitment by walking extra miles to ensure steady operations even at the most remote bases. ONGC HR practices like MOSAIC 2020, Para Games, etc. stand out as a backbone to encourage, engage its employees and create an inclusive work culture, where PwD employees are inspired to engage with the mainstream and deliver productive outcomes smoothly.

Photo by Maria Bobrova on Unsplash

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